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Run control scripts must not execute world-writable programs or scripts.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-910 GEN001640 SV-38496r1_rule ECCD-1 ECCD-2 High
World-writable files could be modified accidentally or maliciously to compromise system integrity.
HP-UX 11.23 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2013-03-28


Check Text ( C-402r8_chk )
Check the permissions on the files or scripts executed from system startup scripts to see if they are world-writable.
Create a list of all potential run command level scripts.
ls -l /etc/init.d/* | tr '\011' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 9,9 -d " "

Create a list of world writeable files.
# find / -perm -002 -type f >> worldWriteableFileList

Determine if any of the world writeable files in worldWriteableFileList are called from the run command level scripts. Note: Depending upon the number of scripts vs world writeable files, it may be easier to inspect the scripts manually.
# more `ls -l /etc/init.d/* | tr '\011' ' ' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 9,9 -d "`

If any system startup script executes any file or script that is world-writable, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-1064r2_fix)
Remove the world-writable permission from programs or scripts executed by run control scripts.

# chmod o-w